Other Public –Private partnerships include the one with the Clay house Project that aims at providing low cost housing and sanitation needs. A joint proposal between the Municipality of Otjiwarongo and Clay House Project that yielded funding of N$ 3million and will cater towards the building of 100 houses (formal area) and 25 quick –shelters being constructed. The Clay House Project through its oartners will contribute about N$ 5,3 Million towards the project.
Meanwhile the Municipality Otjiwarongo, being in charge of local governance, has a mammoth task when it comes to Economic Development and creating an investor friendly environment. In accordance with its Vision and Mission that focus on creating an economic powerhouse through cooperative governance and equity. The Municipality looks upon all stakeholders-residents, business, investors and potential investors to actively participate in efforts aimed at realizing these goals.
Otjiwarongo has an economic development program aimed at attracting more investments at the town. To support this innitiaitive, the Local Authority Council of Otjiwarongo has embarked upon an investor-friendly environment to promote multi –sectoral economic participation through the establishment of community /sectoral committees on various focal areas such as Mining, Economic development, SME’s Tourism, Markets, Agriculture, Businesses etc. These committees consist of members of local public.